WoW Gold Classic Making Guide for WoW Beginners

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WoW Classic Gold is the main in-game currency in World of Warcraft Classic. WOW Gold Classic lets you buy gear upgrades, mounts, bags, materials, and so much more. However

WoW Classic Gold is the main in-game currency in World of Warcraft Classic. WOW Gold Classic lets you buy gear upgrades, mounts, bags, materials, and so much more. However, it`s way harder to earn Classic WoW Gold in Vanilla WoW, than it is in retail WoW. WoW Classic Gold can only be slowly farmed through quest rewards, looting gold from enemies, selling items to vendors or acquiring World of Warcraft Classic Gold from professions. I will list many easy ways to earn gold in wow classic.


Fishing is often a very neglected skill, as many players are annoyed by the constant "staring at the blinker". But it's worth the while: Once you have reached higher fishing levels, you sell rare fish for a decent fee in the auction house.

For example, Alchemists need these fish:

Nightfin Snapper

Nightfin Soup

Stonescale Oil

Stonescale Eel

From this, they make basic materials. Chefs love to fish and shellfish of all kinds to make buff food. If you want to learn to cook yourself, fish is the cheapest resource - they only cost you time and patience.

On the side, you can fish very well. Here we fish in the wreckage, of which there are resources that you can not collect yourself, some bales of material or herbs.


In World of Warcraft, ‘farming’ is the process of repeatedly killing enemies, ideally in large groups, to ‘farm’ them for experience or loot.

If making money if your goal, then it’s the latter you’re most interested in. Whether it’s out in the world or within a dungeon, pulling groups of enemies, downing them with AOE, and repeating can net you both raw gold and a variety of items to sell.

When it comes to specifics, it’s going to be a case of what works best for you. You can blast through lower-level content alone, or group up to tackle tougher opponents. Some farming strategies aim for uncommon gear drops to sell on the auction house, while others will be more reliable in offering coin and crafting materials like cloth.

Some classes are stronger at farming than others – Mages particularly excel due to their huge range of AOE and kiting tools – and so your class choice will also influence what might be best to farm for you, and whether you group up or go it alone.

With so many potential locations in which to farm, it’s worth trying out a few different approaches without sinking too many hours into them initially to get a sense for what you find easiest, most enjoyable, and most profitable.

Farming is also a very effective levelling strategy if you’re working in content that’s within your level – either world monsters or dungeons with a group – so if you’re all about that endgame then it’s definitely worth considering along the way. For others, it might only come into play when you specifically need to make money for a big payment like a mount.

Hunt for Rare Mobs

Rares are plentiful in the game now. Not only can they drop gear, but they can also drop bags that have various resources for you to sell at the Auction House. Rare hunting is a challenge but is a lot of fun to do. For example, Pandaria has many rares, including rares that must be defeated using multiple players. Even though it's old content, it still can prove to be profitable. Many more benefits await if you pursue the full opportunities that rare spawns provide.

You can also do some of the older dungeons and raids to pick up rare items to sell on the auction house. With transmogrification, older gear can usually sell for a lot of gold. Plus there are pets, mounts, and other goodies to be had in the older dungeons and raids. Just make sure to read up on them to ensure you can solo them. Some of them are still hard, even for the most advanced players.

Bank Alts

If you are serious about making gold, a bank alt is essential. This is to save time as you level or farm with your main, you can just mail all the stuff that you want to sell on the Auction House to your alt.

Get your bank alt to level 5 and get the Enchanting Profession, so that you can disenchant gear. Some gear will make a lot more gold if you disenchant it.

Farming Dungeons

This option is better to use at level 40+. Higher level you are is better, more money you make then. All you do is farming dungeons or specific bosses. Here you kill a few birds with one stone: you get lots of experience (make sure you have all quests in your quest log, always ask your teammates to share) if you are still leveling; improve your current gear; and loads of loot (clothes, recipes, even crappy grey items selling for a lot to a vendor). If you are in a group, think about your groupmates if they need an item or not, don’t roll need on everything.

If you are playing a mage and have reached level 55 already, it’s good to start Dire maul East or Blackrock Depths solo farming. The only bad thing here is five dungeon resets limit per hour.

With a hunter at level 60 is good to go to Maraudon or Dire Maul North Tribute. Pick up enchanting for disenchanting skill to be able to loot unique items if you get them dropped, so you just disenchant the one you have already.

Consider, sometimes it is more profitable to make quick short runs in lower level dungeons than higher level area.

Always sell all items on Auction House. If you are not sure about its value, then check the market. There are some risks that item won’t be sold and you will lose money just putting it on Auction House. Good idea to make bank low level characters and keep everything there until the weekend. All sales increasing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Besides, you can advertise in a trade channel to inform people that an item you are selling has been put on Auction House.

Auction House

The auction house should be your second home. Sold there mainly between Friday and Sunday green (or better)Loot items and resources, as the weekend most players and potential buyers are on the go.

Bags, buff food, crafting supplies, and crafted armor made from specialty materials are always needed and can be sold well at not too exorbitant prices. Use an auction house add-on like "Auctioneer" to get an overview of popular prices and quickly find out where selling is most worthwhile.

So you get along when other players have set things very cheap compared to the average achievable price. Buy these and put them back into the auction house for a higher price. So you can also try to raise the base price for certain goods such as a particular craft resource and to monopolize the sale.

However, this requires a bit of patience, some capital, and regular visits! Alternatively, you play a twink as a pure banking character on level 5 and let him learn enchanting. Send this twink all the green items that you find in questing and do not need them yourself to disenchant them and put the collected materials into the auction house.

With our wow classic gold making guidetips, you will earn more gold to help you enjoy the game, you also can buy some wow gold from the safe store, such as
