With Fortnite's season ending event set to happen in less than a week

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It's not certain if these pictures are meant to be teasers for the forthcoming "Collision" event or to mark the beginning of the season. Whatever the case D2R Ladder Items, these two images will have fans guessing!Earlier this month, Ali-A was announced as one of the most recent influencers to be the Fortnite's Icon Series, so it is only natural that he get selected for this type of campaign. It's a bit difficult to make out anything in the image. Some fans are speculating that it may have something related to space, or perhaps the Death Star.

Darth Vader has been heavily talked about for the new Season's Battle Pass, and Epic Games chief creative officer Donald Mustard has also been making hints about Star Wars content lately. Most of the hints are centered around the LEGO AT-AT, but it's possible to see the larger weapon of the Empire!

With Fortnite's season ending event set to happen in less than a week, fans won't have for long to find out what Epic Games has in store! Epic Games has already informed gamers that the Collision event is not replayable, so those who want to participate in the event should make plans to attend on Thursday, June 4th at 4:00 p.m. ET.Fortnite is available for download in the following platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Check out the previous reports on the game here.

Are you planning to check out Fortnite's Collision event? What do you think of this teaser image? Tell us via the comments or leave your thoughts via Twitter at @Marcdachamp. discuss gaming in general! Zelda Fan Rumors were "Frustrating" according to Donkey Kong Game DevelopersIn the year Eric Kozlowsky was hired by Retro Studios Buy Diablo II Resurrected Items, it resulted in rumors in the news that they were working on an entirely new Zelda game.
