Writing High-Quality Admission Paper – Complete Guide 2022

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Student budgets are usually tight, and professionals understand that. Essay writing firms aim to help you achieve better grades because we know how important they are.



Persuasive essays are argumentative essays. To present your argument and position, you are writing this essay. This essay is intended to present your viewpoint and point of view to the reader. An argumentative essay is a tricky assignment and as an essay writer , you cannot deny the value of selecting a controversial topic for your essay. Our team has gathered some intriguing topics for an argumentative essay that will delight all your readers.


Topics for good argumentative essays


Easy and common topics for argumentative essays include:


Global climate change is caused by humans?


Is the death penalty justified?


What are the benefits of cell phones?


Is the behavior of the child being given enough attention now?


How much does an athlete make compared to an actor?


Is gun control really helping us to control crime?


Do we have a successful government that regulates its citizens?


Are all institutions corrupt?


How about the equality of a politician, a leader, or a decision-maker?


Does our government include people with disabilities?


What is the impact of technology on human creativity?


Are we really going to fight over water in World War III?


Topics for Argumentative Essays in Middle School


Do you think giving students homework is helpful?


Is internet access a right for everyone?


Video games cause your violent behavior?


What role does physical activity play in success?


Do students deserve the right to choose what they learn and who teaches them?


What are the challenges women and men face in society?


What role does nature play in the development of our personalities?


How important is art education?


Are governments doing their part to make citizens' lives better?


Are you a smoker by habit or by choice?


What are the benefits of dieting?


Is it necessary to ban steroid use in all sports?


To improve the academic performance of their children, parents and students must work together. Do you agree?


Education is more accessible to males than to females. What is the truthfulness of the statement?


Counselling should be part of school education. Explain.


Topics for Argumentative Essays for High School


What are your chances of overcoming your fears?


What is the point of evaluating your teachers?


What perks should be given to students with high grades?


How important are gym classes?


Is it appropriate for the state to punish bullies harshly?


The rights of women and men are the same?


What are the advantages of investing in the United States?


Fashion is important or not?


Does literature study need to be mandated?


Can rainforest destruction be punished?


What are the environmental benefits of electric vehicles?


Is globalization a blessing or a curse?


Is the policy of public schools reasonable?


Topics for Argumentative Essays in College


Are illegal immigrants entitled to equal education rights?


Should everyone go to college?


Is society being portrayed as healthy by skinny models?


The abuse of women by men is ending.


What emotional support can animals provide?


What is the role of TV in stereotyping minorities?


What are the pros and cons of old age homes?


Does every country need to legalize capital punishment?



Is it ethical to smoke in public places?


What is the justification for the age to vote?


Does our justice system serve justice?


A better working-class resulted from the Industrial Revolution.


Topics for Argumentative Essays About Education


Does everyone have the right to education?


Poor personalities are the fault of teachers and schools?


Is it necessary to include foreign languages in the curriculum?


Should schools offer physical education?


Assessing a student's competence in college leads to competitiveness?


What are the test results of a student's school and college?


Apps that support education are they helpful?


How vague is the college admissions process?


What are the benefits of religious instruction in school?


Do students become better people through community service?


The importance of education cannot be overstated. To what extent is it true?


A bad teacher is the only thing that makes a student bad. Dispute.


Topics for Argumentative Essays on Health


Efficacy of energy drinks - do they really work?


Is obesity on the rise in the United States?


What should be done about tobacco?


What is the healthiness of fast food?


Is microwave radiation harmful?


People's behavior around you can treat mental disabilities.


How much sick leave does our company give us?


What are the health effects of vaccinations on children?


What are the dangers of mental disorders?


Were our healthcare programs adequately funded by our government?


Are the health care rights and facilities available to the less privileged as they are to the privileged?


Has social media-fuelled an unhealthy obsession with energy drinks and unhealthy foods?


Important food groups are missing from school lunches. Describe.


To ensure that each child finishes their meal, teachers should eat with their students.


There are more nutritional benefits to a vegan diet. Discuss.


Topics for argumentative essays that are controversial


What is the justification for a mercy killing?


How many genders are there?


What should be done about abortions for rape victims?


Is bloodshed in our movies violating minds?


What are the lessons of death penalties?


What is the moral justification for torture?


What is the cause of global warming?


Paternity leave can be granted to men?


The social media platform builds people's complexes, isn't it?


The queer culture of drag queens is explained.


You can also get help from an online expert essay writer


Topics for argumentative essays on social issues


Racism has a new face: ageism. Is the statement true?


Bad healthcare has what consequences?


Despite having served their sentences, should convicts be punished socially?


Do labor laws seem fair to you?


Are there any examples of domestic violence against men and how widespread is the concept?


Do pregnant women face discrimination on the job market?


Can body-shaming occur at work?


In what ways does our society combat poverty?


People who have recovered from addiction are still subjected to social prejudice.


Our society discriminates against immigrants severely. Dispute.


Child sexual abuse: What can be done to make children aware of it?


Does the porn industry use the concept of consent?


What is the reason behind movie stars' suicides? Explain why this is happening.


Student budgets are usually tight, and professionals understand that. Essay writing firms aim to help you achieve better grades because we know how important they are. So, visit an essay writing website in order to hire an expert essay writer for your task by simply asking professional essay writer to write my essay.


Also, you can get help from a legit essay writing service company in order to get your paper written in a professional and perfect way.


Useful Resources:

Argumentative Essay Outline - A Complete Format Template

Basics to Craft the Best Thesis Statement with Examples

Best Argumentative Essay Examples and Expert Writing Tips

Best Thesis Statement Examples For All Academic Grades

Can I Get Any Type of Paper Using Your Essay Writing Service?
