Experience Toronto's Nightlife Like Never Before.

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A well known Toronto party ritual is and always will be Barcode Saturdays!


There are a lot more than just clubs in Toronto. If you're looking for something a little different from your typical clubs bars, you'll find them here in abundance. But, before you start: if it's partying like a celebrity that you're after, check out the hottest bars near me at Barcode Saturdays, let us know what you think!


For a Great Experience, Keep these Things in Mind


A nightclub is not just a place where you go and dance, drink have fun. It is also a fabulous place where you can network with other professionals who are looking for good relationships with people that they might need to grow their business. Of course, a nightclub can be a great way to meet new people and find your perfect partner. 


So be polite when approaching someone else. If you actually want to start a conversation with someone, try saying Hi or Hello first before launching into any questions or statements. Good manners at clubs go a long way, which includes letting others talk as well. If someone is actually talking to another person doesn't seem like they want company, wait until they pause before trying again.


Don't be pushy with the door staff. When going out for a night on the town, it's all too easy to get caught up in the party-induced excitement end up pushing your way into a club with your friends. Unless you have an actual invitation or important connections within that club, do not try to push yourself inside. You may find that despite being inebriated, bouncers are much more sober observant than you might believe. So Be Patient Have Fun!


Barcode Saturdays, Toronto's longest-running party, is will always be the #1 Celebrity Party! Barcode Saturdays know how to delight everyone. Every week, Barcode Saturdays feature a special guest DJ MCs, as well as special events involving internationally recognized DJs personalities. 


Bottle service is strongly recommended, reservations should be made well in advance because of the popularity of Barcode Saturdays among residents and traveling visitors. Call 416-735-7827 for more information.

