In some way, Blizzard has changed up Plague

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In some way, Blizzard has changed up Plague's stats a bit. Plague's sequence has changed to Cham + Shael and Um, which is the cost is quite high, but it's also an innovative use of D2R ladder items the not widely used Cham rune. The new version of Plague looks like an odd prototype that has particular uses. Everyone is trying to figure out what the reasons to choose Plague over something like Hoto, or even as a formidable melee weapon such as Grief or Breath of the Dying.

The biggest change is that Plague uses socketed 3 swords instead of the general weapons. Another change is -1 at All Skills, and the removal of +strength since Fal can no longer be in use. Damage has been increased and is a significant advantage for raw damage. The other stats are identical.

Plague was odd at beginning, but it also had its uses, possibly for casters; YouTuber Drunski125 points out that Plague's limitation to swords only is an error.

"If you could it in scepters, think of D2R items for sale console it would be a (+3) Fist of Heaven scepter that you roll Plague in, gives you cleansing aura and an additional skill point. This is another incentive to use something other than Hoto. For example, if for a trapsin you are awarded a +3 light sendry or +3 death-sentry claw, you could roll Plagueand receive +4 for traps, cleansing aura. This is yet another reason to use something other than Hoto. "Blizzard hasn't yet announced the date Diablo 2 Resurrect's v2.4 is coming out.

