Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl's Poké Radar-Exclusive Pokémon

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After completing the Sinnoh region Pokédex in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the National Dex and Poké Radar become obtainable. Using the Poké Radar, players can find exclusive Pokémon throughout the region that wouldn’t appear any other way. This makes it helpful for players looking to complete their National Dex or to shiny hunt for rare Pokémon. There’s a large handful of Pokémon exclusive to the Poké Radar encounters, and some of them are version exclusive, as well.

Buy Shiny BDSP Pokemon

Sources such as Serebii have compiled a list of Poké Radar-exclusive Pokémon in Pokemon BDSP. Below is a list of all Poké Radar exclusive encounters, where they are located, and whether they are exclusive to either game version, organized by National Dex number:

Nidoran Female; Route 201
Nidorina; Route 221, Valor Lakefront
Nidoran Male; Route 201
Nidorino; Route 221, Valor Lakefront
Venonat; Route 229
Venomoth; Route 229
Mankey; Route 225, Route 226
Primeape; Route 225, Route 226
Slowpoke; Route 205 (Shining Pearl only)
Grimer; Route 212
Tauros; Route 209, Route 210
Ditto; Route 218
Sentret; Route 202
Togepi; Route 230
Mareep; Valley Windworks
Flaaffy; Route 222
Hoppip; Route 205, Fuego Ironworks
Skiploom; Route 205, Fuego Ironworks
Sunkern; Route 204
Wobbuffet; Lake Verity, Lake Valor, Lake Acuity
Houdoom; Route 214, Route 215 (Shining Pearl only)
Stantler; Route 207 (Shining Pearl only)
Smeargle; Route 212
Tyrogue; Route 208, Route 211
Miltank; Route 209, Route 210
Larvitar; Route 207 (Brilliant Diamond only)
Mightyena; Route 214, Route 215 (Brilliant Diamond only)
Swellow; Route 213
Ralts; Route 203, Route 204
Kirlia; Route 203, Route 204
Nincada; Eterna Forest
Loudred; Mt. Coronet
Aron; Fuego Ironworks (Brilliant Diamond only)
Torkoal; Route 227, Stark Mountain
Trapinch; Route 228
Vibrava; Route 228
Swablu; Route 211
Baltoy; Route 206
Kecleon; Route 210 (Brilliant Diamond only)
Duskull; Route 224
Dusclops; Route 224
Snorunt; Route 216, Route 217, Acuity Lakefront
Bagon; Route 210 (Shining Pearl only)

Some of these Pokémon, like the one above, are very helpful for the Pokémon BDSP and are worth looking for by any player, especially since Poké Radar can guarantee up to five perfect IVs on them. Poké Radar upgrades with the Shiny Charm, making it one of the most useful key items players will get, thanks to its functionality. The exclusive Pokémon that can be found only adds to its helpfulness in the Pokémon BDSP. There are BDSP Items for Sale.

Pokemon BDSP has been criticized and complained about, it will not affect the love and follow of most Pokemon fans. There are many Pokemon in Pokemon BDSP, although it is a little less than other series, but there are also Pokemon that the trainer does not know where to catch. Trainers who want to find Pokémon BDSP guides or directly Buy Shiny Pokemon BDSP can go to PKMBuy.com. This website has been serving Pokémon fans since Sword and Shield, and it has become even more popular after Arceus came out.
