Woo! It's definitely worth one month, at most

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Helm of Neitiznot - This is a nice balanced helm, go for OSRS gold Verac's/Torag's helm to get more defensive stats , or a Fighter hat to increase offensive statistics (about exactly the same statistics as a Rune full helm, but bonus points in Crush, Stab and Stab, Slash and Crush attack styles)

Guthans Plate - decent the Fighter torso has an impressive Strength boost so it's a good choice when you're unable to afford Bandos Also, I'm not entirely certain about this, but I'm convinced that torag's (and Dharok's) has slightly better defensive statistics and is about 650k, so it's definitely worth the investment.

Your current setup is okay but I'd suggest something that won't degrade. Dragon Platelegs include Fighter Torso, for example. Dragon Platelegs aren't that expensive as well as that Fighter Torso only costs a few hours to acquire. Or Bandos armour if you're a very wealthy player.

I'd like better numbers, but F2P training is too slow for level 70 and above. I'm wondering if it's worth to do soul wars in order to increase my exp. I would like to get between 74-83 and 70 str up to 85. I'm wondering if it'll be a month long process or less or if it is worth it?

I was planning to purchase one of those ultimate game cards or try to pay using mobile(I doubt this because my mom paid the bill FFS bad timing.) Or if I could get to 50-80 str in an hour or so on a low level account, that would make for great sauce, too. Does anyone know if you could use an ultimate gaming card to use two accounts?

Woo! It's definitely worth one month, at most in order to test it. Didn't Jagex have a promotion that you could get a free week of membership if your account hasn't been prior to that? Someone may have to check my data on this. If it existed and was not a huge deal, it could have was for a short period of time.

Anyways, I'll sort of simply be echoing what positive users have had to say in this thread. Join today to have the wide world of Runescape is now available to you! There's more to do, see, and learn about -- and the "pond" literally becomes much bigger. There's more opportunities for earning money and xp to gain in players. Don't get bogged down with buy RS gold soul fights because you will want to kill everything after an hour or that. Ugh. Wretched mini game. Well, yeah! We'd love to see you log in to 71 in the near future!
