Beginner's Guide to Shooting in NBA 2K21

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Once pulled back, nudge the Right Stick left or right a little to correct your angle. Try to make your hands as steady as possible.

NBA2K21 has made some pretty big changes to how shooting works. If you're coming off playing previous iterations of the game, you're going to notice some pretty spectacular changes. Even veterans of the series may end up whiffing shots or launching the ball into the crowd here – that's how different it is in 2021's version of the title.

The shooting system in NBA 2K21 revolves more around shooting styles, with an emphasis on how individual players actually play the ball. Different styles present different boosts to a player's shot percentage based on how tricky their shooting method is. Read on below for some tips on how to master this almost arcane system.

NBA 2K21 Pro Stick Shooting Tips

If you're keen on using the Pro Stick aiming options – which are turned on by default – then you'll need to practice and get used to the way this mechanic handles. Learning how the system plays out and responds to your inputs is vital. Here are some key tips:

Pull the Right Stick down: the meter starts close to the center, not to the left or right, so correct for that.

Once pulled back, nudge the Right Stick left or right a little to correct your angle. Try to make your hands as steady as possible.

You don't need to manually shoot – focus on your aim and keeping your hands steady and the player works out the rest automatically.

You get it right you get a bigger boost if you time your shot correctly with the trigger.

Try to get the boost

Thanks to the re-mapping of the shooting controls, it’s much more challenging to successfully attempt a shot. So what does the development team advise you to do? Per NBA 2K Gameplay Director Mike Wang, players should tap LT/L2 at the right time to receive a shooting boost. Also, Wang advises players to shut off the Shot Meter when using the Shot Button (X/Square) for a boost.

How to make shooting easier in NBA 2K21

If you find this aiming and timing method too challenging, here are some tips that may make shooting easier.

Hot Zones matter a great deal for all shooting methods in NBA 2K21. Even when aiming or timing is off, shooting from the blue areas of the court can still get your player an easy bucket. It may help to go into 2KU with some of your team's top athletes just to see where their Hot Zones are.

You don't necessarily have to use the right stick to shoot. It's still possible to shoot with square (PS4) or X (Xbox). This changes the shot meter into something that may feel a little more familiar. To get the advantage of a boost, turn off the shot meter.

You can also go into control options and disable shot aiming altogether. This makes your Pro Stick function a bit closer to its NBA 2K20 state. Some timing and specific shots will still feel a bit different, but this is about as close as it gets to actually reverting the changes.

If you really want to make NBA 2K feel closer to arcade street ball, you can also disable shot timing in favor of a player's real-time percentage. This is the simplest shooting method and should only be used by those who truly hate sim basketball.

If you're in MyCareer, upgrading your baller's shooting Badges will also make them shoot better regardless of their stats.

How to make your shots more consistent

Many players have had a lot of trouble making their attempts at the net more consistent this year. Whether you're using Pro Stick or going for the points via another method, it's hard to get the game to consistently respond in the way you want it to. Here's a few things to keep in mind to keep the game fun (and not frustrating).

Aim for the Blue Areas (Hot Zones) of the court: from here, your player is going to get a better boost. Practice with your favourite players and figure out where their Blue Zones are and commit them to memory.

Don't be afraid to alter the settings – turn off the Shot Meter – and go back to shooting with Square/X. It may be less accurate, but more consistent for how you play.

MyCareer players, focus on Shooting badges – these increase your Shooting ability without messing with stats.

You can disable shot timing and instead make the game calculate shot chance based on the player's real-time stats.

That's all for the NBA 2K21 beginner's guide to shooting. This should get you started in the game and the rest is on how well you adapt to the gameplay. If you want to win, you don’t need to spend too much time in the game. In the promotion on Igvault, No matter which device you play NBA 2K21, we can provide usable 2K21 MT based on satisfying-full inventory, buy 2K21 MT , click
