WOW TBC Classic: The best guide to getting a flying mount

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WOW TBC Classic: The best guide to getting a flying mount

In WOW Classic, flying is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to reach your destination. And TBC Classic is the first time in history to provide players with flying mounts, which makes many players feel very excited. This does open up a whole new dimension for players to explore Azeroth and Outland in the game, but these mounts are not cheap, and are often much more expensive than ordinary mounts.

For those who can't afford flying mounts, the flight path of each faction is another way to get around. If the player has played other retail expansions before, the player may be familiar with the flying masters of tribes and alliance players scattered around the world. Once the player talks to any of them and pays a small fee, the player can fly to the other flying masters previously unlocked, which will greatly shorten the player's travel time.

However, there is a problem that the player cannot fly to the master of flight unless the player talks to them directly, so when the TBC Classic Gold player enters a new area, the first thing the player should do is talk to them. Since griffins, griffins, bats, and wyverns cannot transport players from one continent to another, they can only take players to this point.

If the player wants to travel between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, then the player needs to take a boat, or the player can go to Outland through the Dark Portal. Burning Crusade is an expansion pack that introduced flying mounts when it was first launched. Players who have been honed in Classic can finally experience the feeling of flying into the sky for the first time.

It is worth noting that the player must complete three things to be able to fly, the first thing is to reach level 70. After completion, players can receive training to use ordinary or epic flying mounts, and finally, purchase the player's air mounts. If players do not have enough WOW TBC Gold to buy the flying mounts they want, they can first spend a small amount of money to buy a large amount of cheap WOW Classic TBC Gold from MMOWTS.
