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This is a great way to observe and learn about rocks close up and hands-on. Use the included magnif

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magnifying lens, .... The Rock Science Kit teaches how to test, classify and identify different kinds of rocks. The kit includes fifteen (15) rock specimens, plus a magnifying viewer .... The Rock Science Kit teaches how to test, classify and identify different kinds of rocks. The kit includes fifteen (15) rock specimens, plus a magnifying .... This is a great way to observe and learn about rocks close up and hands-on. Use the included magnifier and instructions to discover the secrets of these 15 .... Everything you need to grow amazing crystals! Kit contains: crystal formula, base https://cdn.thingiverse.com/assets/68/0a/46/0f/90/Mario-Kart-Wii-KOR-WII-Iso.html
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magnifying glass, spatula and instructions.. geo mysteries rock science kit instructions. Price: .99. In stock. Rated 5.0/5 based on 7 customer reviews. Style: Amazon.com: Toysmith Rock Science Kit .... Product https://cdn.thingiverse.com/assets/51/26/4f/2b/6b/Lal_Kamal_Neel_Kamal_Bengali_Movie.html
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This kit includes 15 rock specimens, a magnifying viewer and an identification ... 868c239d25
