New World: Players discover gold deception loopholes in the game

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New World: Players discover gold deception loopholes in the game

Recently, some players discovered that there is a gold deception vulnerability in New World. By using this fault, players can obtain more coins through unexpected errors in the trading station. Because of this problem, Amazon Game Studios, the developer of New World, promised to ban players from using the vulnerability. However, this problem became so common that the developers decided to disable the trading station until the problem was resolved.

Unfortunately, it seems that during the period after the trading station was closed, some players discovered a new version of the terrible gold spoofing vulnerability. According to the player, at the beginning of the town upgrade, New World Coins will not be taken from the player, and the upgrade will fail. However, reconnecting to the game will increase the cost of upgrading the company's wallet. This new vulnerability has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the New World community. A frustrated player commented that this situation makes the New World economy seem meaningless.

Amazon Game Studio has not yet commented on the latest vulnerability discovered by players. However, the company recently commented on how they cracked down on the first gold scam. According to the studio’s community manager, the developers plan to check how the fault is used. This investigation is now likely to also include this new golden glitch. This is a big deal for the company, because trading stations provide players with a way to buy various items, such as weapons.

Except for the trading station, transfers involving currencies, guild treasury, and player-to-player transactions have been disabled. For those who want to restart trading, this new malfunction seems to Buy New World Coins make the trading station out of service for a period of time. The good news is that NewWorldCoins is currently holding promotional activities. If you want to get a large amount of New World Coins in a short period of time, then I highly recommend that you visit their official website immediately and make purchases.
