Effective Guide to Farm more POE Currency

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Still not figure out how to farm or Buy POE Currency ? No matter who you are, the first time you come to POE

Still not figure out how to farm or Buy POE Currency ? No matter who you are, the first time you come to POE, there will be a tough time for making money. Next time, if you still ask me how to make much POE Currency, I will tell you where my currency comes from. Knowing you don't want to take risks, I suggest you use the most common and safe way to make money, well, farming.

Chaos Recipe and Rare Items

This is unlikely to interest experienced players, but it will be useful for beginners to find out about it. If you recently started playing Path of Exile, you probably won’t run through locations for quick access to maps and farm and end game. You most likely clear locations, do side quests and pick up most of the rare items that drop. And although this does not fit the already established speed meta (the faster the zone/content is cleared the better), this has its advantages. Unnecessary and identified rare items are sold to vendors in the city, and you will have a lot of Orb of Alteration. And in a new league, in a week, they can be exchanged profitably for chaos orbs (about 4-5 Orbs of Alteration for 1 Chaos orb).

There is also a Vendor recipe in the game. If you collect and sell a full unidentified rare item set, you can get 2-3 chaos orbs. What are full rare sets? These are 9 (or 10) items, rare quality: Helmet, Body Armor, Gloves, Boots, Belt, Amulet, two Rings and Weapons (one Two-Handed Weapon or two One-Handed Weapons or One-Handed Weapon with Shield). The main thing is that items should be 60-74 ilvl. Those starting from the 9th act of the main campaign and ending with “white” (tier 1-5) maps.


Although this activity is unlikely to bring you a huge amount of currency (unless of course some expensive prophecy doesn’t), it will still help to get a small number of chaos orbs. In general, I would single out 2 farm strategies related to Silver Coins.

Divination Cards

This option is suitable for those who spend most of the time farming a specific pool of cards. As soon as you select the appropriate divination card and map, these cards will have to be cleared more than a dozen, or even hundreds of times. Especially if these are rare and expensive cards, they are unlikely to fall after two or three maps. Divination card drop depends on item quantity bonus, so you should use chisels on your maps to maximize the bonus and so that the card has at least 75+ overall item quantity bonus.

In addition, it is advisable to use sextants with good bonuses, prophecies, master mission and Zana map device mods. Divination Scarabs will give a tangible bonus, but they are not cheap. Therefore, what to use from this list is up to you, because using it all at once, and all the more constantly, may end up being unprofitable if nothing worthwhile falls on maps.

Labyrinth Farming

Uber Labyrinth is a great place to farm things you can’t get any other way. Basically, players farm helmet enchants, as a good base with the right enchant will cost several exalted orbs. These bases include Lion Pelt or a Hubris Circlet with high ilvl (84+), as well as uniques like Starkonja’s Head and Devoto’s Devotion, which are so popular for many builds. Do not forget about Twice Enchanted prophecy, this will multiply by two your chances of getting the cherished enchantment.

Mapping Methods

First, simply farming the highest maps available. Farming tier 16 maps with enough investment to sustain them (chisels, alchemy orbs, vaal orbs, and sextants) is a very common and very profitable approach to mapping. It’s easy and doesn’t take a ton of thought, particularly if you find a way to run the same map over and over again. Personally I’ve ran around 1000 tier 16 Promenades in the last two leagues. Is it the best or easiest way to make money? No, but it’s a nice middle ground where it’s not too complicated, makes decent money, and gives you good exp to boot.

The second method is farming low tier maps, typically Burial Chambers. If you farm low tier maps they are incredibly easy to sustain, so you really only have to ‘alc and go’, meaning use an Orb of Alchemy and throw the map in the map device, nothing else needed. Because of the low investment into these maps, everything you get back is pure profit. You won’t get as much good loot as tier 16s, but your investment is so low that your profit margin ends up being very high. This is especially true if you farm maps like Burial Chambers that have good divination cards that can drop and give you large windfalls.

The third method is to run good layout tier 14s as fast as possible and farm the Conquerors and Sirus. These bosses drop loot that is very expensive, and they can be spawned by running an average of 40-50 red maps. As long as you are getting average drops from the bosses, you’ll make a ton of money doing this.

These are the main methods that people farm the endgame through mapping. This is a small step above simply putting any map you find into the map device and hoping for the best, which is itself not the worst for progressing. But these methods are the ones that will return the most money through typical maps.

If you are lack of POE Currency, I recommend you Buy Exalted Orb to save more time to enjoy the game, https://www.igvault.com/POE-Currency will be an option that you can't miss, and it will provide safe and cheap POE Currency for you to play better in the game.
