Review the details of the process of Path of Exile 3.15 extension release

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At 1:00 pm (PDT) on July 15th, Grinding Gear Games announced the latest expansion of Path of Exile and the Challenge League called Expedition in the Twitch live broadcast.

At 1:00 pm (PDT) on July 15th, Grinding Gear Games announced the latest expansion of Path of Exile and the Challenge League called Expedition in the Twitch live broadcast. Although a sneak peek only hints at new mechanics and abilities, the developers promise that the game will change the meta-game in major ways. In the official Twitch channel at the time, the QA section about Chris Wilson and ZiggyD, as well as the long-awaited extended information of the players, were revealed one by one. Since then, more and more smart players have prepared sufficient POE Orbs for the new league.

Grinding Gear Games also provided data at the time, revealing their plans for the rest of July, including patches and other updates. Although the dates of July 16th and 17th disappeared mysteriously, it restored the timetable on July 18th. The developers released some patch notes before the 3.15 extension was available, including several engine enhancements and improvements. They expected patch 3.14.3 to be released within a week and make some overall game adjustments. In addition, they replaced the old performance indicator charts with new models that display more data.

Now there are bar graphs that can show the relative load of various systems, and draw many different standards on the same graph for players to browse. If players encounter performance issues during the game and want to record clips to show Grinding Gear, they can open the performance indicator charts because they contain a lot of POE Currency about the factors that make their games slow.

Since entering August, the development team has continued to deliver new patch content to Path of Exile in order to allow players to have a happy experience without being disturbed by game factors as much as possible. And the players themselves have to fight for their breath, otherwise they will lag far behind those players who bought a lot of POE Currency and worked harder after a while. Come on!
