What players need to pay attention to when completing the Tazavesh dungeon in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

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What players need to pay attention to when completing the Tazavesh dungeon in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

Recently, the latest "giant dungeon" added in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is Tazavesh. This dungeon contains the largest number of bosses in the entire Shadowlands, and it is likely to be the largest dungeon in the expansion so far. Its huge scale is comparable to dungeons such as Karazhan and Mechagon.

Tazavesh showed players eight unique boss battles, all of which are full of new challenges, mechanics, and puzzles. Due to the size of the dungeon, it will take some time for the player to clear Tazavesh. Players can expect to spend at least 90 minutes in the instance, even when knocking down the boss at an extremely fast rate. There are currently no Mythic+ variants in the dungeon, but players can expect to see additional variants in future patches. Although there is no additional challenge of Mythic+, Tazavesh will still be a difficult task for all World of Warcraft players.

Unlike all other Shadowlands dungeons, Tazavesh needs to complete a short questline before allowing entry into the instance. If anything, the Burning Crusade Classic Gold sequence is very similar to the tuning process in WoW Classic, but far less laborious and complicated. Tazavesh's tuning can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.

Players need to go to Oribos and talk to Host Ta'rela to start Tazavesh's tuning process. The innkeeper will provide a quest called "Olibus's Ellie Cat", which will start a chain of quests you need to complete to reach the dungeon. The task chain itself is relatively fast and fully contained in Oribos. Upon completion, you will take a boat directly from the city to Tazavesh.

Mailroom Mayhem will force players to stay vigilant, because this is an incredibly treatment-intensive battle. Between soaking abilities like fan mail and money orders, the healers will have to do everything they can to keep their teammates alive throughout the encounter. However, the most important mechanism to track is unstable cargo, which generates a package at a random location in the room. Players must click on the Classic TBC Gold package and throw it into the designated mail chute, otherwise your entire team will suffer enough damage to wipe it.

In the battle of So'azmi, players need to pay close attention to Shuri's abilities, because this expanding circle will extend all the way to the perimeter of the room. If you cannot escape this ability, then you need to use several teleporters placed throughout the room to escape this ability. In addition, you need to make sure that you fill up all the downtime you spend by passing a teleporter with a corresponding shape so that it passes through the ever-expanding circle. It's worth noting that you cannot hurt the boss through the teleporter. You can arm yourself by buying legal Classic TBC Gold on MMOWTS to defeat the boss.
