Guide to unlock The Red Flying Cloud Mount in World of Warcraft

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Guide to unlock The Red Flying Cloud Mount in World of Warcraft

In World of Warcraft, players can find several different flying mounts. Some mounts can also imitate spells, such as Red Flying Cloud. This mount is not red or just a cloud, but players can easily buy or obtain this ethereal mount in the Cheap TBC Classic Gold game. It is worth noting that if the player does not have enough gold coins to buy it, then the player will have to collect all the legendary scrolls to obtain it.

If the player wants to obtain this Red Flying Cloud mount, then the player must be a noble loreman of level 1-60 and an apprentice rider. If the player does not directly use gold coins to buy it, then the player needs to complete the World of Warcraft Pandora's legendary scroll collection to unlock the Red Flying Cloud mount.

First, the player needs to go to the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms on the top of the Mogu Mountain Palace. Talk to Zidormi here and ask her to show the player what the valley looked like before the Dark Empire attacked. This will allow the player to see the legendary scroll. After that, the player can find the first scroll near the entrance to the siege of Orgrimmar. The second volume is near the Tomb of God Tu, and there should be a blue light above the small shrine on the left to indicate the scroll. The third volume is in Jinxiu Valley, near Wuluo Village. The scroll is located to the right of the quartermaster entrance. Finally, the player can find the fourth scroll of Vale of Eternal Blossoms behind the statue above the Guolai Hall.

At the northern end of Paoquan Cave, there should be a small house near a small pond in the forest. On its back, players can find the first scroll of the Valley of the Four Winds. There is a prominent tall building to the east of Shili, and on the right side of the building is the second scroll. Just north of the Stormstout Brewery, there is a small shrine. This is where the player can find the next reel. In the upper area of ​​the mountain, the player can find the tallest building, and the scroll will be on the right side of its entrance. At the southern end of the Pure Pool, players can find this scroll next to a huge fish statue. The last scroll of the area is at the northern end of Thunderfoot Wilderness. On the side of the large building, this scroll is placed next to some barrels.

On the beach between Zhu's Watch and Invasion, players can find the first scroll of Krasari Wilds. It will sit next to a huge wooden turtle statue. At the northern end of the ruins of Dojan, the player should find the next scroll on the smaller golden statue. Players can find the waterfall in the northwest of the Crane Wing Refuge, and behind this TBC Classic Gold waterfall in the River Blade's Nest is the third scroll. There is a small village south of the waterfall. Players can find the scroll in the village center building behind the Courtith Waterstrider. The next scroll is in the Temple of Flamingoes. In the room with Luen Ghost Claw, players can find the scroll on the gong of the crane statue. Finally, on the beach southeast of Nayeli Lagoon, the player will find the last scroll in a cave.

Players can then obtain achievements and their new upgrade levels in Lorewalkers, and activate all related tasks. Return to the seat of knowledge and hand over the task to Lorewalker Cho, who will allow players to obtain the Red Flying Cloud mount. If the player does not want to unlock the Red Flying Cloud mount through complex tasks, but does not have enough gold coins to purchase it, then the player can visit MMOWTS to purchase the cheapest Classic TBC Gold on the market.
