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The Worldvein Essence, available by conducting the weekly Expeditions quest, is comparatively simple to obtain and Classic gold has been recently buffed substantially, becoming of the top essences for some classes.

Essences remain the stumbling block for alternative characters, but it's possible to receive an alt in reasonable shape in 8.3, or even absolutely min-maxed.

It's a very long chain, ending in the ability to turn into a giant purple evil wraith, marked on gamers' maps as a rare creature with additional rewards. You'll be hostile to both factions, and if you are able to kill some players until you're killed, you'll reap a few rewards. Amusingly, players who kill you will receive the very same advantages as killing other rares, including money and azerite power due to their neck pieces.

The short version is that You Need to kill the summoned monster Adherent of the Abyss at Stormsong Valley, then use the thing Aether of the Abyss when in a N'Zoth assault of Vale of Eternal Blossoms of Uldum. You'll notice a Shard of Corruption in some of the luminous purple cracks around the floor. Looting it offers you a search to find 20 of these.

When you finish that quest, you're transformed into a Void Wraith instantly, with 4.6 million health and new abilities. To earn your rewards, you will need to kill ten players of faction without dying.

Check out our weekly WoW information for January 21-28 on the next page.

World of Warcraft was a game ahead of its time. So much so, that its players witnessed the effects of a pandemic over a decade ago.

On September 13, 2005, Blizzard's incredibly popular massive multiplayer online role playing game World of Warcraft (WoW) experienced an unintended event that mimicked the spread of a viral disease throughout its playerbase. A harmful impact, called Corrupted Blood, devoting tens of thousands of gamers, and abandoned lower-leveled personalities in an inevitable death-loop. The effect, known as a debuff, was a temporary illness, but one that could spread to other players when they stood close enough to one another, just like a true virus.

A week after the outbreak, it forced Blizzard to restart every WoW server to prevent it from spreading out of control.

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Hakkar would toss Corrupted Blood on gamers and it might damage them for about 10 minutes. Players would disperse the effect to buy wow gold classic other people if they got too close to those infected. After the 10 seconds were completed, or players finished the boss battle, the harmful impact was supposed to finish. Only it did not.
