Another excellent one is WOTLK Cover Image


Another excellent one is WOTLK

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Начална дата
12-29-23 - 12:00


Крайна дата
12-31-23 - 12:00

When you're battling, you've might be able to deliver certain Lightning Shield orb charges to the target. It's amazing. You always want to be keeping it up mental quickness isn't a new thing.

The character has been removed from the TBC tree where it resides just above the specialization of your jewel and it does exactly the same thing as Wrath of the Lich King in addition, reducing the mana cost your instant cast spells by 2% and increases the power of your spell by approximately 10 percent the strength of your strike. Power shamanistic Rage's power has changed not so much, however in a highly relevant way.

This is why in TBC Firstly, it reduces all damage you take by 30%, and also gives those who succeed in melee attacks an opportunity to regenerate mana equal to 30 percent of your attack rate with a cooldown of two minutes lasting 15 seconds. There's a good chance you won't notice the difference, but it's only half the money you get based on the strength of your attack, however it also has a half cooldown.

So every minute you can take this pill and enjoy a great time to do, even if you're timing the pop to take advantage of the 30% damage reduction simultaneously. It's a good thing and you'll be able to get your way is to use it as a more useful personal cooldown at the same time as offensive cooldowns of return manner for you to cast more spells and due to the tons more attack power you're going to get in Wrath of the Lich King. A 15% cooldown really does not matter.
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