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مصطلح “CE” هوالفرنسية للتوافقالأوروبي. هذايترجمإلىالمطابقةالأوروبية. وبالتالي ، فإنشهادة CE هيعلامةعلىسلامةالمنتجتشهدعلىالامتثاللمتطلباتالصحةوالسلامةوحمايةالبيئةفيالاتحادالأوروبي (EU). تعدعلامة CE إلزاميةلمعظمالمنتجاتالاستهلاكيةالمباعةداخلدولالاتحادالأوروبي.
Learn how to improve your brain's memory and recall | #liquid Meditation Review
Global Extruded Polypropylene (XPP) Foam Market: Analysis of Types, Applications, and System Types
Kosher certification is a process whereby food products are checked and certified to ensure they meet the dietary requirements of Jewish dietary laws, known as Kashrut. This certification involves a number of steps which include ingredient checking, production procedures, and other processes that must be met in order for a product to be certified kosher. Kosher-certified products must also be labeled with a symbol or declaration to indicate that it has been officially certified.