This is awesome. The line for the raid icon was left out

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It's a common occurrence for me and WOW TBC Gold my friends or FC groupmates to go to Discord in the evenings to meet up in a central city, dance occasionally, watch some bards, walk around homes of people in the wards, and then go to a venue that's throwing an event, and something else instead of just doing content together. There's a lot to see and do around the world, but much of it is generated by players. This is what I miss the most about old school WoW. It lost its magic for me a long time ago, but I'll always remember being decked out in SWP gear , and seeing players playing on my very poorly developed server saying 'WHOA THAT gear is SO COOL' and having no idea!

It's amazing to go to FFXIV , and hang out in Limsa, Ul'dah, or anywhere else with my triple Triad parasol. It's likely that I'll hear five people asking where it came from. Because I'm a fan of glamour, I will often message people to find out the source of certain items. Everything is just so wonderful.

Early Runescape has an amazing community where just traveling through Varrock or Falador you'd see so many people doing various things (or going to world 2 to find these locations bursting with trading). Many people "wasted" time playing different minigames but now everyone breaks each game down into gold/hour or hours of xp.

I started WoW while gearscore was soaring up, but before LFG was launched (dps meters were already in use). There was a change in community from avoiding toxic people to go to dungeons to just kick the lowest level dps before being replaced in minutes. The problem is even more apparent in WoW where the "interview process" to join a group has evolved from checking out their gear and their experiences. People basically expect you to have an experience of four years to be considered for their entry-level positions.

This is awesome. The line for the raid icon was left out, as I don't want the macros to be edited every time I'm using tanks that make it square. It's also helpful to know the syntax in case I'm required to add it back in. Thank you so much!

Typical "I have played WoW since my mother was still wiping my ass and feeding me gerber mush" precursor to the post. It's not just WoW. I've played GW2, LOTRO SWTOR, WHO, SWTOR, SWTOR, WHO, as well as cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold every other acronym associated with MMOs. In all these games, capital cities were just the places I waited for my group to come together so that I could for a blast.
