Comments on Aion Classic after joining the game for a while

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It has been a few weeks since I joined Aion Classic, and during this time I also learned about the game in-depth. I believe that many players, like me, relived many experiences from 2009 to 2010 when they first played Aion. The launch of Aion Classic has not been so smooth. The game has been improved and is still different from the previous original version. Players will feel that there is not much pressure in the early stage. Yes, they reduce the pressure on the players in the early stage of the game, which is very good and will make novice players feel very comfortable.

In the first week of Aion Classic, players experienced this game through a free subscription. But after playing for free that week, as more and more players stopped logging in, the server began to feel a little empty. I still want to use Siel's Aura to experience it for free in the future, but I think the obvious way to play Classic is like a subscription 12 years ago.

As the number of players in Aion Classic decreases, finding a PvE team has become significantly more difficult, especially at lower levels. You can still find some sprint boss teams in the Nochsana Training Camp (NTC). This is the lowest level instance available immediately after you enter the abyss, but almost no one wants to group for anything below this level. The group of players in Aion Classic, at least in my opinion, on the Siel server, seems to be the same group of players who log in every day. This means that many lower-level team tasks may not be completed, at least for a period of time, until you get lucky or return when you reach a higher level. Players can Buy Aion Classic Gold on

I think the most interesting place in "Aion" is still the abyss, where the PvPvE environment allows the most interesting battles to take place. I am most excited about wandering around looking for a mob to kill and find a lonely Elyos who wants to gank. I usually don’t get into PvP-I prefer to challenge myself in dungeons and raids-but Aion strikes an interesting balance in always enabling PvP in the abyss and inspiring you to play in the abyss through the points and levels of the abyss. Of course, when When I just want to hone, it's never fun to be teamed up by a large group of Elyos, but it's part of the risk in the abyss. In addition, the siege of the abyss provided hundreds of players with chaotic and challenging group activities to be able to wage wars for control of strategic landmarks.

Combat has not really evolved at a level higher than the level of Gladiator 20 or so. There are also several buttons that can be pressed, but most of them are based on the situation or have a long cooling time, so the main rotation remains the same. Which is good; don’t fix it if it’s not broken, right? However, the combination of repeated battles and repeated training makes the game more dull and lengthy. This is less obvious when participating in PvP—especially when flying in an abyssal aerial melee—because you move more. I have to say that players should know the main point of Aion Classic Kinah, a large amount of Kinah can make you grow quickly. MMOSO provides secure sales of Aion Classic Kinah to protect your account security. Real players can polish it online, so you can buy with confidence.
