Unique German language facts
1. The Three Genders
Gender is one of the first matters that a scholar of German notices. Gender has been assigned to all German nouns: manly, ladylike or fix.
However, not like in English, the place a boy and a female are examples of masculine and female nouns, the gender of every noun differs. Gender is simply grammatical in German, and it has little to do with biology.
2. German is the king of capitalization, so hold your caps on. Capitalization is used for every person, place, and thing. Gerunds, which are adjectives or adverbs that serve as nouns however are now not proper nouns, are additionally protected in this category.
For instance: rauchen (to smoke) is spelled das Rauchen, and arbeiten (to work) is spelled das Arbeiten. In general, German capitalization policies are easy to comprehend. In fact, they are significantly less difficult than their English equivalents.