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01-09-23 - 12:00


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04-29-23 - 12:00

The game was ported to our Xbox and PlayStation platforms. In the past year, we introduced World of Warcraft for the Nintendo Switch. The reason we did that is because we believe that's a great game that works really well on those platforms.

When we think about what mobile could be used by Blizzard in the near future and we are of the opinion that mobile does not have to offer a lower quality experience. We think that we can create games that rival those of Blizzard. We believe that we could have Blizzard principles around monetization and we think that it will be a memorable experience. In addition, World of Warcraft : Immortal is a game has been in development for a while at this point, and we're happy that it's progressing. We're looking forward to having players play it when it's available.

However, the first thing to remember is that I think that what was not communicated, and I can't say enough about it, is that we're a PC developer, but we also look into opportunities for other operating systems.You'd like to highlight that you're a PC-first kind of developer as well as a company and publisher. Are you aware of the resistance from your fans? when they're like "Yeah it's an mobile device, and that's not who are."

I'm sure that in the past, we've had a really honest assessment of ourselves, following BlizzCon and to examine the fan reaction. It's our job to fully comprehend that reaction.We didn't make a great job of telling our fan base that the PC isn't going away for consoles or mobiles. This message did not get communicated in the way I'd say, if could return, we would do.

It's not hard to understand the fan reaction of "I'm an avid Blizzard fan!. Blizzard, just keep making PC games like you've always done. Like I like. It makes me feel happy."

However, that if you consider the world, and you contemplate games, it's hard to imagine anyone who is a fervent PC Blizzard lover today isn't experimenting with platforms for consoles or mobile platforms during their professional career or in their life in fact.

There are mobile games that are impressive, but some games on mobile are awfully bad, just like every other platform. We do think there is an opportunity for players and enjoy the games that are of the highest quality we love which we believe in, as part of the Blizzard IP. This is the lens that we use for World of Warcraft .

If you're a primary PC gamer and you're a PC gamer, then there's not an unimportant amount of mobile games with a poor name. We've seen these titles, and played these games. We've played games we feel like are predatory when it comes to the monetization of games, and that aren't the most enjoyable experiences we could ever imagine, not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's hard for players to comprehend why Blizzard is still Blizzard on that platform.

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